Erde Cosmeceuticals

Privacy Policy

The privacy statement describes how “Erde” uses and safeguards any data submitted by visitors to its website.

Your privacy is something that “Erde” is dedicated to protecting. You can rest assured that if we ask for specific information to help us identify you on your subsequent visit, it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

Note: We reserve the right to modify our privacy policies at any time and without prior notice. Please periodically review this policy to make sure you are aware of any updates.

Collection of Information

In order to provide our core services and products, we gather information that has been provided to us or that we have independently collected. You may need to provide your name, address, date of birth, and gender. This information may be retained in printed records or on our computer database system. We will only gather information about you personally, whenever possible. We capture information in a variety of ways, including but not restricted to – over the phone, in writing, in person, and via the Internet. We will notify you or try to make you aware that information is being or has been collected. We will make every effort to inform you of the purpose of the collection and will provide you with access to our privacy policy, which includes information on access, correction, and complaints. We strongly advise you that if you notify us that you do not wish to provide the information, we may be unable to provide you with the product or service you have requested or provide you with the level of service you expect.

Use and Declaration

We capture personal information in order to provide the services you have requested. If we use your personal information to market to you, we will give you the option to opt out of such uses.

We need this information to provide quality service by acknowledging your needs, as well as for the following reasons:

●Keeping internal records

●enhancements of our products

●Marketing purposes include sending promotional emails about new products, special offers, or other information that may be of interest to you on a regular basis for which we may contact you via email or phone.

Your personal information will be handled in a strict, private, and controlled way by us. If you would reasonably expect us to use it in the course of our business, we will only use or disclose it for those purposes that are directly related to our core business. Your personal data is never sold, traded, or otherwise transferred to unaffiliated third parties. Not included in this are trusted third parties who help us run our website, run our business, or take care of you, as long as those parties agree to keep this information private and only use it to perform the tasks we have delegated to them. Additionally, we might disclose your information if we think doing so is necessary to abide by the law or defend the rights, safety, or property of ourselves or others. However, statistical data and other non-personally identifying information may be given to other parties for marketing, advertising, research, or other purposes.


We are intent on keeping your information safe. Hence, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards and security procedures to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure of this information.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small file that requests permission to be stored on the hard drive of your computer. Once you consent, the file is added, and the cookie either notifies you when you visit a specific website or assists in the analysis of web traffic. Web applications can respond to you precisely thanks to cookies. By gathering and retaining information about your preferences, the web application can adjust its operations to meet your needs, likes, and dislikes.

In order to determine which pages are being used, we use traffic log cookies. This enables us to analyse web page traffic data and enhance our website so that it better suits the needs of users. This data is used for statistical analysis before being deleted from the system.

Overall, cookies enable us to track which pages you find useful and which you do not, enabling us to provide you with a better website. Apart from the information you choose to share with us, a cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any other information about you.

You have the option to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers accept cookies by default, but you can typically change your browser’s settings so that you can refuse cookies if you prefer. This could prevent you from using the website to its full potential.

Third-party Website Links

Our website contains links to third-party websites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. <URL> is not responsible for the privacy practises or content of the websites to which it links.

User Consent

The user consents to the collection and use of the information that they disclose on the website in accordance with this Privacy Policy by using the website and/or by providing their information. This consent includes, but is not limited to, their consent to the sharing of their information in accordance with this privacy policy.

To ensure that the user is always aware of the data we gather, how we use it, and when we disclose it, if we decide to make changes to our privacy policy, we will post and accordingly publish those changes on this page.